
Your system is infected!

These commutes seem to be becoming more unbearable with each passing day. For around an hour each way, I am left alone, unstimulated, unoccupied. It is now that my mind is left to its own devices. It is now that my mind runs its viral scan. A great process to have. Problematically, I only have the detection module installed. The other half, the cleaning module, seems not to have been included in the installation package. I blame the manufacturer but the warranty expired long ago and I don’t think any manufacturer will really take a look at this chunk of coal anymore.

So, we have this normally useful process picking all these viruses. To be honest, I’ve seen the detection screen countless times. I could probably recite both the directory as well as the time of infection for each individual instance verbatim.

Another flaw in the installation package is that I cannot control the calendar option. It just seems to run automatically whenever the system load falls below a minimum threshold. A good option that would maximize efficiency in a normal setting. But this is not by any means a normal setting and I am forced to recall every infected instance far too often, with no reprieve other than to increase workload on my aging (though still relatively superior) processor.

I should get a refund...

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